
Groups at Brisbane ACT Centre: Bouncing Back from Adversity and Succeeding

By Nik Kotlarov

From Saturday, May 6, 2017 Nik Kotlarov will be running a group course at the Brisbane ACT Centre, get in touch with our helpful staff to register your interest today.

Would you like to use the latest research in Psychology and Human Behavioural Science to reduce your suffering?  Want to learn to let go of the past and face the future with the skills to enrich your life?

Easier said than done, right?

Shame, stress, sadness, anxiety, frustration, guilt, grief, insecurity, panic, anger, rejection, judgments about the past, dreading or doubting the future.  All very normal experiences that we all have from time to time.  Yet when asked, we call most of our experiences “negative”, or “unwanted”, or “unpleasant”.

We try to get rid of them by watching shows or going to the movies, listening to music or going to a concert, watching sports, pornography, buying clothes or gadgets, drinking alcohol or taking a drug, playing computer games, facebook, fast food.  Notice how well these industries are doing.  How much do we pay our actors, rock-stars, athletes?  As a community, we are quite keen to get away from feeling unpleasant things.

Does it work?  Are we healthier?  Are we handling stress better?  Are we better connected with each other?

What if there was another way?  What if you could take a course here, in Brisbane?  From an accredited Psychologist who was trained by world leaders of thought like Professor Steven Hayes and best-selling ACT self-help and text authors like Dr Russ Harris?  What if this course could teach you another way of Bouncing Back from Adversity and Succeeding in creating a rich, meaningful life?

Interested?  Contact the Brisbane ACT Centre to register your interest today. Talk to our friendly reception staff about referral via Medicare Better Access and how your existing referral or private health fund may be appropriate. The cost of the course is $20 per session, plus Medicare rebate, or $40 per session without Medicare referral. Primary Health Networks (PHN) Brisbane MIND Clients are welcome

New Psychologist Spotlight: Gary Fernandez

We're excited to announce we have a new psychologist joining our team!

Gary is a passionate, conscientious and deeply kind psychologist that we're lucky to have join us, and excited for him to get to work helping our clients get unstuck, move towards their goals and take valued action.

In this article Gary's answered our questions about what he's like as a psychologist to work with, and coming next month we've interviewed Gary about the overlap of philosophy and eastern spirituality with modern ACT science.

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Trauma Does Not Have to be a Life Sentence

In an ideal world every child will be nurtured, loved and protected. Unfortunately, as my news feed keeps reminding me, we don’t live in an ideal world, the world is not a fair place and numerous children encounter adverse and even traumatic situations far too early in life. These highly traumatising life events may involve […]

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