5 Reasons Why Accessing Therapy via Telehealth May be Right For You

By Psychologist Ali Flint
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When you hear or read the word ‘Telehealth’, it may conjure up images of floating heads on computer screens trying to clumsily connect with one another and endless technological frustrations. Instead, I invite you to imagine sitting on a comfortable couch in your home, wearing your slippers on those cooler days in a judgement-free zone, or stroking your beloved pet as they keep you company in the home office.

Given the huge shockwaves and shifts everyone had to navigate through the pandemic and beyond, you would be forgiven for groaning out loud about the idea of yet another “Zoom meeting” and you are completely entitled to prioritise connecting with people (including your support network) IRL again if that is your preference!

Unlike (dare I say) often unwanted and longer-than-necessary work-related Zoom calls, your therapy sessions are not a forced social gathering. Online therapy sessions are laser-focused on optimising your mental health and emotional well-being; and a rare opportunity to spend some time with a safe, containing, empathetic person who will help you to feel energised and refocused, rather than further draining your battery.

So, let’s double-check you have the facts you need to make an informed choice as I also spill the tea about some observations I’ve made as a psychologist who offers Telehealth therapy. This modality still allows me to honour my commitment to offer a high standard of professionalism, foster authentic connections, and specially tailored care for every client that I have the privilege of working with.

As promised, here are 5 compelling reasons why Telehealth therapy might be the perfect choice for you:
1. Save time & money
Telehealth eliminates the need to travel to a clinic or navigate unpredictable traffic conditions, find a car park, book a babysitter, or figure out public transport timetables. Mi casa and Su casa = a sigh of relief & likely some savings! While there is no guarantee of jumping the queue, you may notice additional opportunities to see a psychologist arise more quickly if the referral pool includes those that offer Telehealth as well as those that offer in-person services at various clinics and organisations within our communities.
2. Accessibility & Convenience
If getting out of the house feels like a full-scale Navy Seal operation, you’re a professional with a demanding schedule, or have carer responsibilities that are tricky to delegate, logging in to talk to a therapist in a hassle-free, convenient way can mean the difference between getting psychological input or missing out on accessing help because of such barriers. As the therapist, I can let you in on a little secret, I value working from the comfort of my home too when I connect with my BAC clients via Telehealth. My fur babies get to frolic in the sunshine when I’m home, I might get a few chores done, meditate, or sit and watch a cheeky Netflix episode during my lunch break.
3. Intimacy & Comfort
Research has shown that being in a familiar setting can help reduce our anxiety levels. With Telehealth therapy, you have the flexibility to choose where you attend your sessions – whether it's in your living room, your car (parked safely, of course), or even in the backyard. It makes sense that feel safer is conducive to bravely exploring your thoughts and emotions. Please feel free to bring a cuppa or cold drink, a notebook & pen, a blanket, or any other items that assist you. As a therapist, a privileged peek through a window into your life and all the things that are uniquely YOU, feels wonderfully intimate.
4. Low-pressure Introduction to Therapy
If you're hesitant about starting therapy, or suffer with social anxiety in general, Telehealth offers a low-pressure way to dip your toe in therapeutic waters so to speak. You can explore the benefits of therapy without the commitment of attending in-person sessions, allowing you to ease into the process at your own pace. I invite my clients to ‘hire or fire me’ after the initial session and they are almost always pleasantly surprised with the experience of Telehealth as a modality and continue. If it doesn’t feel right, there are several other wonderful BAC therapists who may be a good ‘fit’ for you. If you need help with the technical side of things, our friendly reception staff are there to assist you, and I send out a private link before each session via email.
5. Inclusive & Accessible Mental Health Support
Telehealth therapy helps funnel mental health support out to more people, regardless of their location or circumstances. Whether you live in a rural area with limited local services or have mobility issues that impact you leaving home, Telehealth might be a helpful bridge that takes you from isolation to accessing quality health care that everyone deserves. Resources and helpful links can often be emailed in between sessions too. This flexible way of working has helped me stay connected with clients in various life situations too, such as those that have moved interstate for a new job but don’t want to start from scratch with a new therapist.
In summary, Telehealth or online therapy offers a flexible, accessible, and effective way to prioritize your mental health from wherever you are in the world. All you need is reliable internet and a private space to talk! By embracing the convenience of virtual sessions from your comfortable nook, you can safely and conveniently start to explore your inner world and work on the therapeutic goals important to you with the help of a qualified psychologist. Trust yourself and what feels right for you and your preferences and personal set of circumstances. There is no one-size-fits-all way of seeking help, plus there is much diversity amongst therapists in the same way there is amongst the wonderful clients we serve, therefore there does tend to be a bit of ‘trial and error’ for most people until that ideal connection is found. If in doubt, why not try Telehealth out?

May you be well.
About the Author
Ali is a down-to-earth, compassionate, trauma-sensitive psychologist with nearly 20 years of clinical experience. Friendly, intuitive, and practical in her approach, Ali seeks to truly connect with her clients and support them towards a life that feels more in alignment with their values and heart's desires.
View Ali's Profile
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5 Reasons Why Accessing Therapy via Telehealth May be Right For You

When you hear or read the word ‘Telehealth’, it may conjure up images of floating heads on computer screens trying to clumsily connect with one another and endless technological frustrations. Instead, I invite you to imagine sitting on a comfortable couch in your home, wearing your slippers on those cooler days in a judgement-free zone, or stroking your beloved pet as they keep you company in the home office.

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